摘自《室利 罗摩克里希那言行录》
It was dusk and the lamps were lighted. Sri Ramakrishna saluted the Divine Mother with folded hands and sat quietly absorbed in meditation. Then he began to chant the names of God in his sweet voice: Govinda! Govinda! Satchidananda! Hari! Hari! Every word he uttered showered nectar on the ears of the devotees.黄昏到了,灯也亮了。室利罗摩克里希纳双手合十地向神圣母亲顶礼,静静地坐着,专心一意地冥想。然后他开始用甜美的声音唱着神的圣名:“哥文达!哥文达!萨特旦安达!哈瑞!哈瑞!”他发出的每个声音都像大量的甘露似的,喷酒到奉献者的耳里。Ramlal sang in praise of Kāli, the Divine Mother:罗姆拉尔唱着神圣母亲卡利的歌:
Thy name, I have heard, O Consort of Śiva, is the destroyer of our fear,湿婆的配偶,我听过你的名字,是我们的恐惧破坏者,And so on Thee I cast my burden: Save me! Save me, O kindly Mother!因为你我放下了重担:仁慈的母亲,救救我!救救我!Out of Thy womb the world is born, and Thou it is that dost pervade it.世界从你的子宫诞生,你又把它遍及所有。Art Thou Kāli? Art Thou Radha? Who can ever rightly say?你是卡利?你是罗陀?谁能正确地称呼你?Mother, in every living creature Thou dost have Thy dwelling place;母亲,每种生命里面都拥有你的富所;As Kundalini Thou dost live in the lotus of the Muladhara.作为昆达里尼的你就住在海底轮的莲花里,Above it lies the Svadhisthana, where the four-petalled lotus blooms;上面的是生殖轮,四瓣莲花在含苞怒放;There also Thou dost make Thy home, O mystic power of Kundalini,昆达里尼的神秘力量,你也在那里安置了家园,In the four petals of that flower, and in Vajrasanas six petals在这朵四瓣莲花里,在金刚座的六片花瓣里。At the navel is Manipura, the blue ten-petalled lotus flower;肚脐中央的是脐轮,蓝色的十瓣莲花在绽放;Through the pathway of Sushumna, Thou dost ascend and enter there.你通过中脉的路径而提升,并且进入那里去。O Lady of the lotuses, in lotus blossoms Thou dost dwell!莲花的女神,你住在盛开的莲花里面!Beyond them lies the Lake of Nectar, in the region of the heart,它们之上的是甘露湖,位于心轮附近,Where the twelve-petalled lotus flower enchants the eye with scarlet flame.十二瓣的莲花在此用鲜红的火焰来迷惑双眼。When Thou dost open it, O Mother, touching it with Thy Lotus Feet,母亲,你用你的莲足触摸它,把它打开,The age-long darkness of the heart instantly scatters at Thy sight.内心持续的黑暗一看见了你便立即消散。Above, in the throat, is the sixteen-petalled lotus flower, of smoky hue;上面喉轮的是十六瓣莲花,散发出烟雾状的色彩;Within the petals of this flower there lies concealed a subtle space,这朵莲花的花瓣内隐藏着一个微妙的空间,Transcending which, one sees at length the universe in Space dissolve.越过它,便可看见宇宙最后在此空间上溶解了。And higher yet, between the eyebrows, blossoms the lotus of two petals,更高处是两眼间的顶轮,绽放着两片花瓣的莲花,Where the mind of man remains a prisoner and past controlling;人类的心智仍然被囚禁在那里,它在越过束缚;From this flower the mind desires to watch the sportive play of life.头脑渴望从这朵花上观看生命的游戏。Highest of all, within the head, the soul-enthralling centre is,高之至高的是头上的顶轮,是灵魂迷人的集中地,Where shines the thousand-petalled lotus, Mahadevas dwelling place.这是摩诃提婆(大天神)的所有地,千辩莲花在闪闪发光,Having ascended to His throne, O Spouse of Śiva, sit beside Him!湿婆的配偶,提升到他的宝座上,坐在他的旁边!Thou art the Primal Power, O Mother! She whose senses are controlled;母亲!你是原初能量,她的感官受到了制约;The yogis meditate on Thee as Uma, great Himalayas daughter.瑜伽士把你作为伟大的喜马拉雅的女儿乌玛来冥想。Thou who art the Power of Śiva! Put to death my ceaseless cravings;你是湿婆的力量!摧毁了我永不停息的渴望;Grant that I never fall again into the ocean of this world.准予我不会再次陷入这个世界的海洋里。Mother, Thou art the Primal Power, Thou the five cosmic principles;母亲,你是原初能量,你是五种宇宙法则;Who can ever hope to know Thee, who art beyond all principles?你超越了所有的法则,谁能完全地明白你?Only for Thy bhaktas sake dost Thou assume Thy various forms;为了虔诚信徒的缘故,你呈现出各种不同的形相;But when Thy devotees five senses merge in the five elements,母亲,你的奉献者的五种感官融入五种元素的时候,Mother, it is Thyself alone that he beholds as formless Truth.奉献者会把独一无二的你视作无形无相的真理。
As Ramlal sang the lines:罗姆拉尔唱这几句:
Above, in the throat, is the sixteen-petalled lotus flower, of smoky hue;上面喉轮的是十六瓣莲花,散发出烟雾状的色彩;Within the petals of this flower there lies concealed a subtle space,这朵莲花的花瓣内隐藏着一个微妙的空间,Transcending which, one sees at length the universe in Space dissolve,越过它,便可看见宇宙最后在此空间上溶解了。The Master said to M.: Listen. This is known as the vision of Satchidananda, the Formless Brahman. The Kundalini, rising above the Visuddha chakra, enables one to see everything as Ākāśa.师父对M说:“听着,这也被认为是萨特旦安达——无形的梵天的异像。昆达里尼提升到喉轮之上,能够使人像阿克夏那样看见每件事物。”M: Yes, sir.M:“是的,先生。”MASTER: One attains the Absolute by going beyond the universe and its created beings conjured up by maya. By passing beyond the Nada one goes into samādhi. By repeating Om one goes beyond the Nada and attains samādhi.师父:“越过了这个宇宙和它的幻像下的创造物,就可以到达绝对本体那里去;越过纳达(Nada)就可以进入三摩地。通过重复‘OM’音就可以越过纳达和进入三摩地。”
更新于:2023-05-06 12:38