埃德加·凯西 – 使徒约翰谈耶稣基督

2023-05-14 12:04 凯西


在凯西的所有解读数据中,这个解读是最明确的说明我们每个人均可以直接与基督接触。这个解读报告是在一个夏天的下午给予已经经历六年“探索上帝”的学习小组(成员)。其中有三个人带来了他们的每日的经历和问题,希望得到“资源”(the Source) 的指点。他们想知道是否可以真的与基督交流。












爱德加凯西(Edgar Cayce); 格秋(Gertrude Cayce),导读人; 戴维斯( Gladys Davis), 速记员;Minnie and C. A. Barrett,Esther Wynne, Florence and Edith Edmonds, Frances Y. Morrow,Mildred Davis, Ruth LeNoir and L. B. Cayce.


解读时间︰4:305:00 P. M.

1. GC: You will have before you the Norfolk Study Group #1, members of which are present in this room, who seek more knowledge of, and that a reading be given on, Jesus the Christ. We would appreciate all knowledge that might be given on Him at this time, after which you will answer the questions that may be askedby each individual present.


2. EC: Yes, we have the group as gathered here; and their work, their desires. We will seek that as may be given at this time.


3. I, John, would speak with thee concerning theLord, the Master, as He walked among men. As given, if all that Hedid and said were written, I suppose the world would not containall that may be said.


4. As He, the Christ, is in His glory that wasordained of the Father, He may be approached by those who insincerity and earnestness seek to know Him and to be guided byHim. As He has given, by faith all things are made possible throughbelief in His name.


5. Believest thou? Then let thine activitiesbespeak that thou wouldst have, in spirit, in truth.


6. Seek, then, each in your own way and manner, tomagnify that you, as souls, as beings, would make manifest of Hislove, in the way He will show thee day by day.


去扩大你自己 去彰显的爱。

7. As He came into the world, as man knows theworld, then He became as man; yet in the spirit world He seeks tomake manifest that sought by those who do His biddings.


8. For, as He gave, If ye love me, keep mycommandments. These are not new, and are not grievous, that yelove one another even as the Father loveth me.


9. (Q) [993]: Please explain why during meditationlast Monday noon I had the longing to seek more knowledge of, and areading on, Jesus the Christ.


(A) The inner self approached nearer the attunementof the consciousness of the Christ presence.


The Christ Consciousness is a universalconsciousness of the Father Spirit. The Jesus consciousness is thatman builds as body worship.


In the Christ Consciousness, then, there is theoneness of self, selfs desires, selfs abilities, made inat-onement with the forces that may bring to pass that which issought by an individual entity or soul. Hence at that particularperiod self was in accord. Hence the physical consciousness had thedesire to make it an experience of the whole consciousness of self.Seek this the more often. He will speak with thee, for His promisesare true every one of them.


10. (Q) [560]: Please explain: While meditating Ihad the realization of the forces within and the forces withoutbeing the one and the same force. Then as if someone said: Why notlook to the within? When I turned to the within, I received arealization of the Christ which seemed to take form in body.


(A) In this the body-consciousness experienced muchthat I, even John, experienced when I looked behind me from thecave and saw that the without and within are ONE, [John 11:38?Johns witnessing the healing of Lazarus?] when the desires of theheart make each atom of the physical body vibrate with theconsciousness of, the belief and the faith and the presence of, theChrist life, the Christ Consciousness.


Life is an essence of the Father. The Christ,taking up the life of the man Jesus, becomes life in glory; and maybe glorified in each atom of a physical body that attunes self tothe consciousness and the WILL of the Christ Spirit.


11. (Q) [69]: Is the Celestial Sphere a definiteplace in the Universe or is it a state of mind?


(A) When an entity, a soul, passes into any sphere,with that it has builded in its celestial body, it must occupy toa finite mind space, place, time. Hence, to a finite mind, a bodycan only be in a place, a position. An attitude, sure for that ofa onement with, or attunement with, the Whole.


For, God is love; hence occupies a space, place,condition, and IS the Force that permeates all activity.


So, Christ is the ruling force in the world thatman, in his finite mind the material body, must draw to self ofthat sphere of which the entity, the soul, is a part, of whateverperiod of experience, to be conscious of an existence in thatparticular sphere or plane.


12. (Q) Is Jesus the Christ on any particularsphere or is He manifesting on the earth plane in another body?


(A) As just given, all power in heaven, in earth,is given to Him who overcame. Hence He is of Himself in space, inthe force that impels through faith, through belief, in theindividual entity. As a Spirit Entity. Hence not in a body in theearth, but may come at will to him who WILLS to be one with, andacts in love to make same possible.


For, He shall come as ye have seen Him go, in theBODY He occupied in Galilee. The body that He formed, that wascrucified on the cross, that rose from the tomb, that walked by thesea, that appeared to Simon, that appeared to Philip, that appearedto I, even John.

将使用在加利列(Galilee)时的那个同样的身体到来。就是那个上了十字架的身体、那个在坟墓中复活的身体、那个走在海边的显示给西门、菲利普看的身体,也正是显示给“我,约翰”的(身体) 。

13. (Q) Wherever He is, how may I contact Him sothat I may see Him and hear Him speak?


(A) The making of the will of self one with Hiswill makes a whole attunement with Him. He WILL, with the making ofself in accord and desiring same, speak with thee. Be not afraid,it is I. [8/20/33 See 262-51, Par. 8-A, 9-A in re Mrs. [69] makingherself more in accord so He will speak.]

答︰将自己的意志与的合一,由于你的意愿和协和,他同你讲︰“不要害怕,是我。”(在解读262-51中,更详细地回答了[ 69] 女士的问题)

14. (Q) [585]: Was the vision I saw early onemorning several months ago a vision of the Master?


(A)A passing shadow, yes. Pray rather to the Son,the Father through the Son, that He walks with thee and He WILLwalk and talk with thee. Be NOT satisfied with ANY other. He mayoft give His angels charge concerning thee, yet know the Masterstouch, the Masters voice; for He may walk and talk with thee. HEis the Way; there is no other. He in body suffered; for himself,yea for thee also. Wilt thou turn, then, to any other?


15. (Q) When Jesus the Christ comes the secondtime, will He set up His kingdom on earth and will it be aneverlasting kingdom?


(A) Read His promises in that ye have written ofHis words, even as I gave. He shall rule for a thousand years.Then shall Satan be loosed again for a season.


16. (Q) [379]: How may I raise my vibrations so asto contact the Christ?

问[379] ︰我如何提升频率以接触基督?

(A) Making the will, the desire of the heart, onewith His, believing in faith, in patience, all becomes possible inHim, through Him to the Father; for He gave it as it is. Believestthou? Then, according to thy faith be it done in thee.

答︰让(你的)意志、意愿与他的合一,在信心和耐心中,一切成为可能,并透过他达到天父。他早已给出过,汝信吗?那么,“依照汝之信心,让它在汝里内成全” 。

17. We are through.



Reviewed revised by curious Terry,2006/5/18

更新于:2023-05-14 12:04
The End