
2023-05-19 13:30 仪轨真言

宇妥秘密身祈请文藏音:Gang Ku Sang Chen Ma英文:The One of Secret Form宇妥心子~桑通耶喜尊 著。 Writen by Sumtön Yeshe Zung。灵感湖 英译中 于2021年四月。

礼敬上师。 NA MO GU RU。Homage to the Guru。

谁之无上秘密身, GANG GI KU YI SANG CHEN CHOK,Whose supreme secret body,遍及存在之极乐, NGÖ PO KÜN KHYAP DEWA CHE, Is the nature of great bliss that pervades all existence,空性金刚界盈满, NAM KÜN CHOK DEN DOR JE YING, In all ways supremely endowed with the vajra realm,礼敬宇妥无比身。 TSUNG DREL GU NE KUR CHAK TSEL。 To  Yuthok’s incomparable form, we prostrate。

谁之无上秘密语, GANG GI SUNG GI SANG CHEN CHOK,He who’s supreme secret speech,渗透诸音无毁质, DRA DRAK KÜN KHYAP ZHOM DRELWA, Is the indestructible quality that pervades all sound,八万四千法吼音, GYE TRI ZHI TONG CHÖ DRA DROK, Roaring the sound of the 84,000 dharmas,礼敬宇妥无比语。 TSUNG DREL GU NE SUNG CHAK TSEL。 To  Yuthok’s incomparable speech, we prostrate。

谁之无上秘密意, GANG GI TUK KYI SANG CHEN CHOK,He whose supreme secret mind,无整大乐之本质, TRÖ PA KÜN DREL DEWA CHE,Is unconditioned great bliss,安住圆满智慧藏, SHE RAP PA RÖL CHIN LA NE,Dwelling in the perfection of wisdom,礼敬宇妥无比意。 TSUNG DREL GU NE TUK CHAK TSEL。 To Yuthok’s incomparable mind we prostrate。

堪称诸佛中之最, GYELWA KÜN KYANG DREN PA KHYE, You who are even the leader of all the buddhas,除您再无皈依处, KHYE LE ZHEN PE KYOP PA NI, There is no refuge other than you,为利有情众生故, DROWA KÜN LE GANG MA CHI, For all sentient beings,虔诚身心我皈依。 DE CHIR KHYE LA KYAP SU CHI。 Because of this, in you I take refuge。

未闻尊名之众生, JI PE KHYE TSEN MA TÖ PAR, Immature beings who haven’t heard your name,虽闻尊名不受教, TÖ KYANG GÜ PAR MI TEN PAR, Or  they are able to hear your name but cannot be taught,祈以慈爱与大悲, DE LE NYING JE ZHEN ME PE, For them, there is only compassion,引领无明有情众。 TSE WE KHYE KYI JE SU ZUNG。 Lead them with your loving kindness。

听闻尊名并皈依, KHYE KYI TSEN TÖ KYAP SONG WE, Through hearing your name and taking refuge in you,脱离无怙轮回海, DE NI NAM YANG SI TSOR MIN, They will no longer be in the ocean of samsara,眼泪满盈感念至, DE CHIR MIK CHU YO ZHIN DU, Because of this, with eyes filled with tears,三时衷心祈请汝。 NYING NE DÜ KÜN SÖL WA DEP。 I pray to you at all times from my heart。

诸佛无量胜坛城, RAP JAM GYEL WE KYIL KHOR CHOK, Infinite supreme mandalas of the buddhas,与尊胜身皆一昧, SANG CHEN KHYE KUR RO CHIK PE, Are one taste to your supreme body,今日此刻实相中, DE RING KHO NAR NGÖN SUM DU, Today, right now and in actuality,愿诸众生皆臻得。 KHA KHYAP DRO WE TOP PAR SHOK。 May all sentient beings pervading space attain this。

愿吉祥增上! ITHA. SARVA MANGALAM! May auspiciousness increase!

更新于:2023-05-19 13:30
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